Friday, October 30, 2009

Today was the visit with the surgeon. He wants to do some biopsies in the hospital and check me at that time. So I know nothing at this point. The biopsies are scheduled for Nov 12 along with a colonoscopy as you may or may not remember I had a polyp and something else in my colon which he found during the tumor surgery. He wants to take another look at that so he can prepare for surgery for that. It will have to be surgically removed he just wants to know if the polyp has grown any more and if the questionable mass has changed. Since they are right together he wouldn't be removing any more of the colon than he would for just the polyp. So more waiting. And I'm sure even after the 12th he will be able to tell us if the area looks cancer free from the scope but we will have to wait on the biopsies to know if they came out free.
On lighter news, I got a new car today. I loved my little Mercedes but it was getting harder and harder to get in and out of it and to get my golf clubs in and out so I sold it and got a Mazda Tribute. It was one of the few SUV/Crossover types that was small with good gas mileage and I could easily fit my golf clubs in the back. This is a moot point now but if any of you out there own a Mazda I would like to know how you have liked it and if it gave you good service. I hope everyone has a good weekend. KTPC love to all

Monday, October 26, 2009

Back from Hot Springs Village

Hi Everyone, We are back from HSV. We got in 2 days of golf on cart paths. We did some shopping and made trips into both Hot Springs and Little Rock the rest of the time. We had a good visit with our friends that live in the village (see pic).

We came home after a long ride on Hiway 7 thru Jasper (my favorite town in Ark) and came home to everything in the house (other than bedrooms) tarped. Doors were taken down. It was a mess. We quickly figured out we couldn't deal with not being able to get to the refrig, stove, coffee pot etc so we took down tarps, put up doors and tried to get a little back in order. The guy who did our floors wanted to wait until Friday until we moved any furniture back in (what????) but came over today and checked the floors. Everything was put in except the piano. So I spent the day getting stuff from upstairs, cleaning out closets before putting stuff back etc. I will have one more day of this and then we should be finished. The floors are beautiful though.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dear Santa Claus

Dear Santa Claus, For Christmas I would like a full head of hair.
Well, now you all know my Christmas wish. Other things I have recently discovered my nails are acting like they may all fall out. After doing some research I think I may keep them but they will be really ugly for about 6 months. I have also had a relapse of chronic urticaria. Right now I am not planning on seeing the doc as the last one put me on so many drugs the chemo would look like childs play. If it hasn't gotten any better by the time I have my chemo oncologist appt I will talk to her about it.
We ran all over Hot Springs and Little Rock today shopping and just looking around. It was fun but tiring. Mel then took me to my favorite place in Hot Springs to eat. Tomorrow we have a tee time but it is supposed to start raining tonight and continue through tomorrow. My guess is we won't play. Friday is supposed to be cold so I don't know if I want to play or not. Mel is now calling me "Curly" and I am telling him to be careful and not mess my hair whenever I get the chance. For those of you that haven't seen my hair I have a very thin hair Julius Caesar look. I hope everyone is having a good week. KTPC Love

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

In Hot Springs Village

We arrived Sunday after finishing getting everything we could off the hardwood floors. If I haven't mentioned it, while we are on this trip we are getting our hardwood refinished. Since about 75% of the house is hardwood it was a big job to get everything off the floors. We ended up leaving about 8 pieces we simply couldn't move ourselves.
Yesterday we played a course called DeSoto. I had not played it before and it was a pretty course very playable course. Unfortunately last week they had over 8 inches of rain so it was cart paths only. I debated whether to even try to play but I talked to the friends we were playing with and they said this was a pretty flat course. So I gave it my best try. I played 16 out of 18 holes. I sat out 15 and 16. A par 4 which had a huge hill and a par 5. So I think that was probably more than I played about a month ago on cart paths only.
Today we are playing Cortez. It also is supposed to be fairly flat. I will find out in a few minutes if we are still on cart paths only. Tomorrow we are taking the day off to go into Hot Springs and maybe Little Rock. We may end up not playing on Thursday because there is a 60% chance of rain. We are scheduled to play with our friends on Friday and I'm not sure what we will do on SAt. We can't go back until Sunday because of our floors. Hope everyone is having a good week. KTPC Love

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oncologist visit

Hi Everyone,
My radiation oncologist thought I was doing great. I have an appointment with my surgeon on the 30th. She said she thought the surgeon would scope me at that time which means I will get the news on the cancer.
I haven't said anything but my latest endeavor has been to write and design a brochure on "How to survive cancer treatment" . I took the finished product to my oncologist office and they loved it. I asked them if they knew how I could get permission through the hospital to leave them in various locations. They called someone who will get in touch with me for an interview. I am hoping they like it well enough to put it in their resource materials for cancer patients. That was the suggestion of one of the nurses who read it. If they aren't interested I will take their name off it and leave them around on my own! The nurses also suggested I contact the American Cancer Society and the Breast Foundation and let them look at it. Then they suggested if the hospital won't pay for printing go to some printing places and ask them to donate printing so I can leave them in oncologists offices and cancer clinics. So I guess this will be my new venture at least until I get turned down by everyone!
So I will be a bucket of nerves until the 30th. It is a double edged sword. I want to know but I don't want to know or should I say I am afraid to know the results of the treatment.
Mel and I are starting to put up all the stuff in the house to prepare to get our hardwood floors redone while we are gone next week. Yes another trip to play golf. Hopefully we will get to play and not get rained out all week like last week. We had rain and chill yesterday and today and supposed to have it through Thursday this week but then it is suppposed to clear up. I sure hope so. Cloudy skies get me down....
I will post before we leave for Hot Springs and probably while we are there since they have internet connection YEA! KTPC Love to all

Friday, October 9, 2009

Back from Arkansas

Hello from the wet region of Missouri. We had the same weather in Arkansas and therefore we got to play golf one day out of 4. It was scheduled to rain there today all day so we decided to come home early. The course we did play was nice but tough.
I didn't realize when I had hair that I have 2 birth marks right on the inside of the scalp line. They are little but there. My hair has grown just enough now to cover them up. My hair is growing however I really can't tell it is getting any thicker and it is really thin. Mel thinks it is but I think he is just trying to be nice about it. Anyway this week we will be home. Hopefully it will quit raining sometime. I was told we were predicted for 9 inches of rain over the last 3 days. Our back yard looks like a pond. Many people with basements are having flooding problems.
Hope you have a dry weekend and I'll check back in later. KTPC Love to all