Monday, June 22, 2009

Hey Everyone, It has been an interesting day. I've been kicked a couple of times but have gotten back up and still going strong.
Started the day by visiting my church. Good way to start the day.
First appt with radiation people getting me ready for the radiation treatment. Won't go into the gory detail but they did another CT Scan and I'm now a tat women (as my friend said). That is the last time I meet with them until treatment starts which is right now scheduled for July 12.
Met with the general oncologist who schedules the chemo. I have a lot of news there. Do you want the good news or bad news first? Just kidding. There is a possibility that my stage 1 cancer may jump to stage 3. I have some irregular lymph nodes that look suspicious. However, the doc said there is a possibility it is a reactive situation since I had problems before the surgery( the bleeding) they are reacting to that and do not have cancer cells. The PET scan on Wed will tell the tale.
I will be taking 2 chemo drugs. I'm not going to tell you the names yet. This is because she said them so fast I didn't catch them. However, I have to go back for chemo education and I will know them then so I will let you know at that time. The chemo will be for 4 days in a row 24 hours a day, 2 times during the 6 week period of treatment. At the very beginning and at the end. One drug (5-fu) will be given one day and the other (?) will be given for four days. They will be given simultaneously with each other and with the radiation. The bad news on this is that for the first treatment I will spend 4 days in the hospital. It evidently can have some side effects that they really want to keep close check on. The doc said if I did ok the first treatment they would consider letting me do the last treatment as outpatient. Yea, yea, promises promises.
In amongst all of this today I found out my insurance plan was changing starting July 1 and not for the better I might add. So I requested thru the doc she call my surgeon and schedule my port ASAP. That means I could be going in as early as this Thursday to get the port put in.
Here's the way I look at it. With what went on today I have some better karma coming my way and Wed will be a great day for it.
Plans for tomorrow in 99 degree heat. Play golf what else!! Seriously I doubt if I will get more than 9 holes played, I may even only get 4 played. But I have to get out there ,swing a club and feel the fairways under my feet....Until tomorrow or maybe Wed. God bless you all and keep the prayers a comin' I can feel them, I really can.

1 comment:

  1. Well I finally made it here. And Thank you for including me in your fight. As I said before I will pray for you and be here if you need to talk. I may not always say the right thing but my heart is in the right place....I love you!
