Monday, August 31, 2009

Learned a lesson today. Don't forget the pain killers. I'm not ready yet. I did some light housework this morning. Melvin took me to the video store and I went to the chiropracter to get adjusted. I also made a lunch appt for Friday. I think that is kind of daring for me but my appetite is getting better everyday. I have switched from Ensure to boost and it does taste a little better. I am trying to concentrate on eating foods that are high in protein. I am trying to build up more endurance but really need to start walking and trying to get out on the golf course. Going to eat dinner. Have a good one. KTPC I still need them as I still have a lot of healing to go....Love


  1. Randy Halvorson (my Rod & Randy) uses Ensure, because he can't control his swallowing when he eats. Randy is equipped with a feeding tube, straight to his little tummy. He doesn't like the taste either, so he is glad to have a feeding tube. I don't recommend it, and I don't recommend having a "shot" contest with a guy using a feeding tube, your will loose every time, I know that for a fact. So if you have found another product that taste better, great!

  2. It is now Sept 1, 2009. Happy September Fool's Day to All ! ! !
