Monday, November 30, 2009

Doctor's Visit

I went to the surgeon's office today. I told Mel as Iwas walking out the door, "I will not be examined". Let's call a spade a dirty shovel here. I have been poked, operated on, chemoed, radiated, and scoped all in 5 months. I have not had a chance to heal from the first when the next occurs and so on. I am tired of everyone and their brother messing with my butt. So the nurse said, Undress from the waist down. I said, "no". She said "Yes you will". I said, "Not without a lot of protest". When the PA came in I told her "here's the deal. I still hurt. You examine me and hurt me and you will know it the people next door will know it maybe the whole first floor of the building will know it." She said I won't hurt you I promise. Right, and how many times have we heard that ? Well, she was gentle and it was uncomfortable but I couldn't classify it as hurt. I told her "my husband wanted me to let you know I still have times in the morning that I hurt so bad I can barely walk and I have to go soak in the tub. " She said, oh you still have a lot of tender tissue down there. (REALLY? Do you think?) Then she said, it is normal for you to take another 6 months to heal from the radiation. People don't realize what radiation does to their body. Well, I thought I did but not to this extent I guess. So I left with prescription in hand for my next colonoscopy prep (in May) and a waddle in my walk. I've gotten quite good at my duck imitation.
Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for. Right now,,,my life.
May God Bless and I will be writing again.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Joyous news!

I was told I would get results of the biopsies on the 30th of Nov. We received a letter today saying "there is no evidence of cancer". It will be a very thankful Thanksgiving. I'm sorry I haven't written but you really didn't want to read my whining about the fact I'm still having pain. This has been a real pain in the BUTT. Ha Ha! I think I am impatient about the pain this time because I feel pretty good otherwise. I am trying to get to the Y 3 times a week to do small workouts but I still tire pretty quickly.
My chemo doc will decide when I get my port out. I have another colonoscopy in 6 months but I'm hoping I will not have to wait until then to get the port out. I have an appointment with her in Feb so I'm hoping she will schedule it. It is an in office procedure with local anaesthesia.
I hope everyone has a great week and a great Thanksgiving. I will stay in touch. Thank you for the support and prayers. I can't say that enough. God Bless You

Friday, November 13, 2009


The pain killers wore off at about 2 pm. Wow. This is as bad if not worse as when I had the tumor removed. I am not sitting for more than about 2 minutes. Last night I tried my faithful tramadol and it didn't touch the pain. I waited a couple of hours and went to the percocet. I did cut them in half as I can't take hydrocodone and percocet is oxycodone with tylenol. They make me very sleepy but they do take care of the pain. (not enough to want to sit) I started today with a percocet and this afternoon took a tramadol with tylenol (as my internest had told me I could). It seems to be kicking in pretty good. The tramadol I don't get sleepy or have any side effects. So I will probably take those during the day and the percocet at night. Now you all know my drug history.
I have been receiving emails from all over. I can't help but worry the congrats may be too soon with the biopsy results still out but I'm still praying for the best. I did get good news today that my pap was clear. If you don't remember the surgeon told me these cancer cells are the same ones for cervical cancer so I will have to be very careful to get paps every year. I'll keep you posted on how the sitting is going. My love to all

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Praise the Lord

Back from the hospital. All signs as of now, cancerous anal tumor is gone. We won't receive word on the biopsies until end of November. Also to make news even better, the mass that was seen in the colon is gone and the surgeon was able to remove the polyp this time. Right now all I have set is another colonoscopy in 6 months. I cried for 3 minutes when I found out I had cancer. I can't quit crying now. Go figure.
Biggest problem is I can't sit again. They numbed my rear so I can't imagine what it is going to feel like when the painkiller wears off. But I did get a prescription for percocet so I could be real happy tonight. That's ok though. I have been through this before.
I'm going to close I am exhausted. Thank you for all of your prayers. We will keep praying for the biopsies to come out clean. Love to all Rose

Thursday, November 5, 2009

This weekend our church held its annual fall bazaar. At the bazaar they feature fair trade items. I went down to look over the wares to see if maybe I would run into a Christmas present. What I ran into (other than the homemade cinnamon rolls) was a necklace. Simple silver. I don't wear silver jewelry. But I kept looking at this and I couldn't leave it alone. I was quickly falling in love with it. I finally told the gal to hold it for me and I would come by her shop and pick it up. I did yesterday. When I got it home (wearing it of course) I started looking on the internet. It is an Egyptian cross. The Egyptians gave it the meaning "life" and Christians have adopted the cross with the meaning of eternal life. Coincidence? The cross has now become a part of me. The only problem is I have to get some silver earrings. What a problem!!! Hope you have a good day. KTPC love to all

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Owee Owee Owee

That exam smarted. I put on my big girl face and gritted my teeth but just imagine nails scraping through your most sensitive area. Because they couldn't get exactly where they wanted to I will have another in 6 months. Hopefully I will be a lot more healed by then. Hopefully.
From having the little article published I was contacted by a gal in the organization who also had anal cancer and she has been cancer free for over 4 years. It was so nice to talk to someone with the same cancer. This is rare enough that you don't find many who have it. I will rest tomorrow other than going to the Y to get my work out in. I have been exhausted today. Mental stress and pain will do it to me every time. KTPC Love to all

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hello everyone,
Each day I go through I get closer to the day of knowing something. I am very nervous about this. I have made some great strides though in the process. I am not wearing a hat any longer (unless it is cold). I sang with the choir for the first time in a long time this last Sunday. I got to thinking I had better do this while I can since I may be looking at more surgery before too much longer. My hair still has a long way to go. But I look one step better than bald.
I also have had an article written about me and my plight. If you want to read it go to on the right will be November newsletter or news and views. Click on that. When that comes up scroll down through all the tournament results until you start seeing articles about our members. Karen Johnson article is very interesting and so is the Sandy Zahner article. Enjoy. This is a great organization and I'm very proud to be apart of it.
I am really not looking forward to the prep on Wednesday (next) as I still have a tad of soreness from everything else. Well, it will be interesting to say the least. I have a doc appt tomorrow for a pelvic. Who knows what that will be like since it was burnt up along with everything else down there. Next Monday I have an appt to get my port flushed and blood work done for the oncologist. And then the dreaded prep on Wed. How fun life is!! Enjoy KTPC Love to all