Thursday, November 5, 2009

This weekend our church held its annual fall bazaar. At the bazaar they feature fair trade items. I went down to look over the wares to see if maybe I would run into a Christmas present. What I ran into (other than the homemade cinnamon rolls) was a necklace. Simple silver. I don't wear silver jewelry. But I kept looking at this and I couldn't leave it alone. I was quickly falling in love with it. I finally told the gal to hold it for me and I would come by her shop and pick it up. I did yesterday. When I got it home (wearing it of course) I started looking on the internet. It is an Egyptian cross. The Egyptians gave it the meaning "life" and Christians have adopted the cross with the meaning of eternal life. Coincidence? The cross has now become a part of me. The only problem is I have to get some silver earrings. What a problem!!! Hope you have a good day. KTPC love to all

1 comment:

  1. Silver earrings?!?!?! HO! HO! HO!, what's that 'Ol Uncle Melvin? Do I hear Santa with a cornucopia of silver earring? Why, yes it is.

    It is Santa and he has more silver earring rings, bracelets, and silver pretties than Carter has liver-pill..............get the idea?
