Thursday, July 30, 2009
News on the next round of chemo
Hi Everyone, Had all my doc appts today. My blood levels were to be expected. The doc was quite pleased with the way my mouth had healed up. She told me not to wait as long next time (yes there very well can be a next time) and they would get medicine to me pronto. She also refilled my pain med. The news is now my chemo will start on the 10th and I will do it as outpatient. She needed me to start it earlier in the week so I would finish it when someone could disconnect me. (Which is not on a Sunday if you are outpatient). So I will finish my 2nd round of chemo on my birthday. I guess that is all of my news for now. I appreciate all the prayers. Thanks so much Love to all
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I can do this I can do this
I am the little engine that could. I can do this I can do this. I hate pain medication. I hate feeling out of control enough that I have to take it. But not being able to sleep or sit or do anything comfortably has promoted to taking pain meds. I am staying strong in that I an not taking any narcotic however, I get such relief from the meds as soon as they start kicking in I fall asleep. The pain meds are allowing me to get this out to you today.
Tomorrow I have blood lab and a visit with the chemo doc. She will decide if the next round will be done at home or at the hospital. I just want to get it over with.
We ended up having a nice day. I kicked Mel out to play golf since it is supposed to rain tomorrow and I have my doc appts. I spent the day on the couch doing more sleeping than anything else. He is so worried about me he doesn't play well. But there is no reason for him to hang and watch me sleep. I can get up and get my water and bites to eat.
I hope all of you are having a good summer and are enjoying this cool July. I wish I could enjoy more of it but I will get my chance another time. Thank you for all the cards. Many of you have been so faithful sending me a card every week or so and I really do appreciate it. KTPC Love to all
Tomorrow I have blood lab and a visit with the chemo doc. She will decide if the next round will be done at home or at the hospital. I just want to get it over with.
We ended up having a nice day. I kicked Mel out to play golf since it is supposed to rain tomorrow and I have my doc appts. I spent the day on the couch doing more sleeping than anything else. He is so worried about me he doesn't play well. But there is no reason for him to hang and watch me sleep. I can get up and get my water and bites to eat.
I hope all of you are having a good summer and are enjoying this cool July. I wish I could enjoy more of it but I will get my chance another time. Thank you for all the cards. Many of you have been so faithful sending me a card every week or so and I really do appreciate it. KTPC Love to all
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I'm still here!
Sorry I haven't written in a couple of days. Everything is status quo. My mouth is still in fair enough shape that I can eat most foods. My stomach isn't up to most foods however. I still have to be a little picky. I have now progressed to multiple cremes and ointments for the below the belt areas from the radiation. Tomorrow is actually my mid way thru the radiation.
I did two things yesterday which I'm excited about. I made a phone call to MSU about lady bear tickets for this winter. We are supposed to be hearing about those in a couple of weeks. I also made reservations for Hot Springs in October. We always enjoy going there and playing golf and visiting with some friends of ours who retired there. I also went to the video store by myself. That one little trip was worth 2 hours of nap time. Other than that I am keeping the humming bird feeders filled and the bird feeder filled so I can watch the birds. I appreciate all who are praying for me. Keep the prayers coming. My love to all
I did two things yesterday which I'm excited about. I made a phone call to MSU about lady bear tickets for this winter. We are supposed to be hearing about those in a couple of weeks. I also made reservations for Hot Springs in October. We always enjoy going there and playing golf and visiting with some friends of ours who retired there. I also went to the video store by myself. That one little trip was worth 2 hours of nap time. Other than that I am keeping the humming bird feeders filled and the bird feeder filled so I can watch the birds. I appreciate all who are praying for me. Keep the prayers coming. My love to all
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Last night I paid for overeating. I was up almost every hour but it still was worth it. I took it easier with the food today and I ate soup for dinner.
After showering this morning and washing my hair I looked at the drain and I had about a cup of hair on the drain. So I made a call to my beautician and ran down and got the hair really cut down. It's 1/2 inch long which is not much hair. But that way I will have less to clean out of the drain. What was amazing the hair was dark almost black. Those of you who know me know my hair is gray. If you lose hair you don't lose the gray? Is that justice?
Another question, What happens to mosquitoes when they bite you and you have all this stuff in your blood? Melvin was saying he was getting bit tonight as we were sitting outside, but nothing was biting me. Maybe they know my blood is a death sentence.
We had a rainy day today but the sun finally came out late this afternoon. I have to admit the rain doesn't help my disposition a lot. So I am very happy to see the sun.
I hope you are having a good weekend. I'm hoping for a sunny day tomorrow. God Bless
After showering this morning and washing my hair I looked at the drain and I had about a cup of hair on the drain. So I made a call to my beautician and ran down and got the hair really cut down. It's 1/2 inch long which is not much hair. But that way I will have less to clean out of the drain. What was amazing the hair was dark almost black. Those of you who know me know my hair is gray. If you lose hair you don't lose the gray? Is that justice?
Another question, What happens to mosquitoes when they bite you and you have all this stuff in your blood? Melvin was saying he was getting bit tonight as we were sitting outside, but nothing was biting me. Maybe they know my blood is a death sentence.
We had a rainy day today but the sun finally came out late this afternoon. I have to admit the rain doesn't help my disposition a lot. So I am very happy to see the sun.
I hope you are having a good weekend. I'm hoping for a sunny day tomorrow. God Bless
Friday, July 24, 2009
I had an Ensure (ENDURE) for breakfast this morning. I am getting desperate to get calories and protein in me. But for lunch I ate 2 pieces of deli turkey and a few pieces of hard cheese with applesauce. This evening Mel took me to Old Chicago (early before it got crowded) and I actually ate 1 1/2 meatballs and some spaghetti. Then I ate about 1/3 of a piece of cheesecake. Poor Mel had to eat the rest of the cheesecake. I saved the spaghetti and meatballs for tomorrow night for my protein. My stomach is doing a lot (LOT) of rumbling but it sure felt good to eat regular food. That was my first real food other than little bits of anything since July 10.
Last night Mel couldn't figure out what he wanted to eat. After really giving it a lot of thought I finally said I'd be delighted if you join me and I'll flip the top to an Ensure. You have your choice of 3 flavors. For some reason he didn't get real excited about the offer.
So tomorrow I get to sleep in a little. Actually I sleep a lot due to the fact I am having trouble sitting comfortably and I can't stand for very long so I lie down which then I fall asleep. But I guess my body needs it.
I've had another interesting side effect. My skin is blistering and peeling like I have been burned. I had been noticing the skin on my hands was feeling different. It had the same feeling as if I had burned it but without the burn. Last night I felt a spot on my thumb and it was a spot about the size of a quarter that looked like it had burned and was dead skin. How weird is that?
I'm getting an inkling that my hair is starting to fall out or thin. When I rub my hand through my hair I end up with 5-6 pieces of hair in them.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. It will be status quo for me. Love to all
Last night Mel couldn't figure out what he wanted to eat. After really giving it a lot of thought I finally said I'd be delighted if you join me and I'll flip the top to an Ensure. You have your choice of 3 flavors. For some reason he didn't get real excited about the offer.
So tomorrow I get to sleep in a little. Actually I sleep a lot due to the fact I am having trouble sitting comfortably and I can't stand for very long so I lie down which then I fall asleep. But I guess my body needs it.
I've had another interesting side effect. My skin is blistering and peeling like I have been burned. I had been noticing the skin on my hands was feeling different. It had the same feeling as if I had burned it but without the burn. Last night I felt a spot on my thumb and it was a spot about the size of a quarter that looked like it had burned and was dead skin. How weird is that?
I'm getting an inkling that my hair is starting to fall out or thin. When I rub my hand through my hair I end up with 5-6 pieces of hair in them.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. It will be status quo for me. Love to all
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I was feeling well enough today I took a trip to the video store. Normally after I go to radiation and eat I am tired enough to take a nap which I had done. Mel dropped me off at the front of the store and I walked most of the way back looking at movies and then back up. After the video store he took me for a 10 minute ride around the neighborhood. That 25 minute excursion tired me that I slept close to 2 hours in the afternoon. As short of a time that it has been it seems like a long time since my life has been normal.
I have resorted to the thing I had said I wouldn't do and that is drinking Ensure for nutrition. But since my sport drinks weren't doing well with my system and I just can't get enough other foods in me for one reason or another I thought I would bite the bullet. I really want to try to get my body built back up before the next chemo round Aug 5. This seems to be the only way.
I am missing the member guest at Millwood this weekend. It kills me almost as much as all the physical problems to not be out there. But you gotta do what you gotta do and I guess this is it for me right now.
The gals who do the radiation are getting pretty curious about me. I take in CD's to listen to and so far they have seen Kenny Chesney, Sheryl Crow, and Natalie Cole. I think they are wondering what will come next. I tease them and tell them how much I am jamming to the music (of course I have to be absolutely still). What they don't know is I have one finger doing a mean drum beat with the music (and it's under a blanket so they can't see it). So I have one more day and I will have 2 weeks done of radiation (out of 5). I don't quite feel like I can see the light at the end yet. But I will before too much longer. Hope everyone has a good evening. KTPC Love to all
I have resorted to the thing I had said I wouldn't do and that is drinking Ensure for nutrition. But since my sport drinks weren't doing well with my system and I just can't get enough other foods in me for one reason or another I thought I would bite the bullet. I really want to try to get my body built back up before the next chemo round Aug 5. This seems to be the only way.
I am missing the member guest at Millwood this weekend. It kills me almost as much as all the physical problems to not be out there. But you gotta do what you gotta do and I guess this is it for me right now.
The gals who do the radiation are getting pretty curious about me. I take in CD's to listen to and so far they have seen Kenny Chesney, Sheryl Crow, and Natalie Cole. I think they are wondering what will come next. I tease them and tell them how much I am jamming to the music (of course I have to be absolutely still). What they don't know is I have one finger doing a mean drum beat with the music (and it's under a blanket so they can't see it). So I have one more day and I will have 2 weeks done of radiation (out of 5). I don't quite feel like I can see the light at the end yet. But I will before too much longer. Hope everyone has a good evening. KTPC Love to all
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I had a better day today. I can tell my mouth is starting to heal. It has healed enough that I can carefully eat a few things that I wasn't able 2 days ago.
Mel played golf today. He didn't have a very good golf day but we had a beautiful weather day. I sat on the back patio for over an hour today and caught up on some correspondance. I'm amazed at what I appreciate now over what I did 2 months ago. Just feeling well enough to sit outside versus whether I can make it through 27 holes of golf in one day. Quite a change.
I am still receiving cards from many of you and I do appreciate it. My entry hall table is filled with the cards and I look through them from time to time. I also appreciate the comments in the blog and the email keeping me caught up on what is going on. I miss seeing everyone but I really think it is in my best interest to stay rather isolated until I can get through the worse of all of this. I hope you had a nice of a day as I had. KTPC Love to all
Mel played golf today. He didn't have a very good golf day but we had a beautiful weather day. I sat on the back patio for over an hour today and caught up on some correspondance. I'm amazed at what I appreciate now over what I did 2 months ago. Just feeling well enough to sit outside versus whether I can make it through 27 holes of golf in one day. Quite a change.
I am still receiving cards from many of you and I do appreciate it. My entry hall table is filled with the cards and I look through them from time to time. I also appreciate the comments in the blog and the email keeping me caught up on what is going on. I miss seeing everyone but I really think it is in my best interest to stay rather isolated until I can get through the worse of all of this. I hope you had a nice of a day as I had. KTPC Love to all
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tough couple of days
Sorry to leave everyone hanging for a couple of days. Sunday was just a rest catch up day. My mouth started getting some worse so I tried not to do much thinking that would help. (That was stupid)
Monday was described by Melvin as the morning from hell. We started at radiation at 6:50 am the machine was down so we waited until about 8 until the doc could see me. My mouth tongue and throat by this time were bleeding sores. She does pain and control for lower part of the body so she set me up to go see the other oncologist. I also had to have a blood lab. By the time all of that got over with and I got back to the radiation to get my treatment (machine had been fixed) it was after 11 am. The plus side was I got some medicine for my mouth that I can take and it is slowly healing up the sores and the yeast infection I have to go along with it. Today I was in radiation, I also saw a nutritionist, and went back for a mouth check. She agreed with me that after a half day it was looking better.
The biggest problem I'm having is trying to drink enough to stay hydrated and find foods I can eat and swallow. I did get a powder protein to add to water that I am taking to try to add more protein to the diet. I have tried the shakes and they are aggrevating the already problematic d%$#r#@* (I just hate that word hope you can figure it out).
Think of all the nasty things in life they seem to have nasty words to go with them. Mucous, the d word, the getting sick to your stomach word. None of these leave pretty pictures in your mind. We need some new words for these terms like forest rainfall, or golden sunlight, just something. What did the word people do? Think up the nastiest words they could find for the nastiest things? I guess so.
Mel got a call from three of his nephews that they were coming up to visit. One is the nephew working in Saudi and sometimes it is 2 years before we can see him and his family. So they started coming in at about 4 in the afternoon. Hung around until about 6:30 when Mel took them out to eat came back to vist until about 9:30. I was pooped and my throat hurt so I pulled up away from the crowd for the evening visit. They came back this morning for a short visit before they each took off for their own destinations. I really enjoyed seeing them. I hope they understand about my not hugging everyone. Quite obviously if my resistance wasn't down I wouldn't be having the mouth problems. Therefore, I am really staying very cautious around people. Pretty much only going out when I have to or for rides with Melvin. I'm running him ragged with needed medicines and food requests. I'm really hoping that I can write in this blog by the end of the week I am starting to eat some good soft foods. Like cheesecake, or pasta or fruits (which I can't eat because of the acidity) or cheesecake. Did I repeat myself? Hope you all have a good day in the rain if you are local. It's supposed to be nice tomorrow. I will try to run Mel out to play tomorrow if he feels like it. KTPC My love
Monday was described by Melvin as the morning from hell. We started at radiation at 6:50 am the machine was down so we waited until about 8 until the doc could see me. My mouth tongue and throat by this time were bleeding sores. She does pain and control for lower part of the body so she set me up to go see the other oncologist. I also had to have a blood lab. By the time all of that got over with and I got back to the radiation to get my treatment (machine had been fixed) it was after 11 am. The plus side was I got some medicine for my mouth that I can take and it is slowly healing up the sores and the yeast infection I have to go along with it. Today I was in radiation, I also saw a nutritionist, and went back for a mouth check. She agreed with me that after a half day it was looking better.
The biggest problem I'm having is trying to drink enough to stay hydrated and find foods I can eat and swallow. I did get a powder protein to add to water that I am taking to try to add more protein to the diet. I have tried the shakes and they are aggrevating the already problematic d%$#r#@* (I just hate that word hope you can figure it out).
Think of all the nasty things in life they seem to have nasty words to go with them. Mucous, the d word, the getting sick to your stomach word. None of these leave pretty pictures in your mind. We need some new words for these terms like forest rainfall, or golden sunlight, just something. What did the word people do? Think up the nastiest words they could find for the nastiest things? I guess so.
Mel got a call from three of his nephews that they were coming up to visit. One is the nephew working in Saudi and sometimes it is 2 years before we can see him and his family. So they started coming in at about 4 in the afternoon. Hung around until about 6:30 when Mel took them out to eat came back to vist until about 9:30. I was pooped and my throat hurt so I pulled up away from the crowd for the evening visit. They came back this morning for a short visit before they each took off for their own destinations. I really enjoyed seeing them. I hope they understand about my not hugging everyone. Quite obviously if my resistance wasn't down I wouldn't be having the mouth problems. Therefore, I am really staying very cautious around people. Pretty much only going out when I have to or for rides with Melvin. I'm running him ragged with needed medicines and food requests. I'm really hoping that I can write in this blog by the end of the week I am starting to eat some good soft foods. Like cheesecake, or pasta or fruits (which I can't eat because of the acidity) or cheesecake. Did I repeat myself? Hope you all have a good day in the rain if you are local. It's supposed to be nice tomorrow. I will try to run Mel out to play tomorrow if he feels like it. KTPC My love
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I have toxic waste coming from several orifices of my body. My body is telling me so. I have to double flush the commode and make sure I pick up all kleenexes. I try to be very careful around the dogs. I don't let them lick me or get my kleenexes. How I feel will vary so much from one part of the day to another it's almost funny. This morning I felt pretty good. I felt strong enough to make it over to my chiropracters office and get adjusted. Chemo does bad things to the bodies alignment. Anyway by this afternoon I started to do something and realized I had 20 seconds to get myself in a prone position. I did and was asleep in 30 seconds. Pure exhaustion just comes over me that quick.
Medicines. You should be able to get a trial amount and try them instead of paying $40 or more and realize they aren't doing what they should or they gag you so bad you can't take them. I have decided to hold onto all medicines until after the next round of chemo because you never know....
Caffeine headaches. I haven't had 1 cup of coffee or any kind of caffeine in a week and yet I have not had one headache. Do you think it could be all the wonderful drugs? My body probably said "Caffeine headache? Why should I bother with that when we have all this other stuff to deal with. That's child play." I also haven't had a hormone pill in about 5 days because I can not swallow it. (I can't swallow most things right now). Probably the reason I will start talking and end up crying. So things move on.
Tom (Watson) is my man. I am so happy he is having this opportunity to play well. I will be watching the Open tomorrow intensely. So for all of you locals, lucky enough to be enjoying this great weather I hope it stays this way all summer. I know it's wishful thinking. Hope you have a good Sunday. KTPC Rose
Medicines. You should be able to get a trial amount and try them instead of paying $40 or more and realize they aren't doing what they should or they gag you so bad you can't take them. I have decided to hold onto all medicines until after the next round of chemo because you never know....
Caffeine headaches. I haven't had 1 cup of coffee or any kind of caffeine in a week and yet I have not had one headache. Do you think it could be all the wonderful drugs? My body probably said "Caffeine headache? Why should I bother with that when we have all this other stuff to deal with. That's child play." I also haven't had a hormone pill in about 5 days because I can not swallow it. (I can't swallow most things right now). Probably the reason I will start talking and end up crying. So things move on.
Tom (Watson) is my man. I am so happy he is having this opportunity to play well. I will be watching the Open tomorrow intensely. So for all of you locals, lucky enough to be enjoying this great weather I hope it stays this way all summer. I know it's wishful thinking. Hope you have a good Sunday. KTPC Rose
Friday, July 17, 2009
My prayers for you
My what a beautiful day. I sat out late this afternoon on the back patio enjoying the fresh air as my nose is now getting very sensitive to odors. I am hoping the weather stays cool for a while so I can do that more often. FYI Mel is now screening my calls (actually I'm not talking to anyone) because it hurts so much to talk. So if you're one of those please don't take it personal. I pray none of my friends, family or worst enemies have to ever go through this. I am through the first week of radiation. My side effects (which are now too long to list) are all from the chemo. The radiation hasn't started its thing yet.
My biggest challenge is to eat (who'd of thought?) and to get enough fluid. The fluid is coming most in the form of ice chips but I'm going through a lot of them. I was already threatened by both docs that if I dehydrate (which is very easy) I will be back in the hospital. I don't have much energy but with the little intake I have it's not surprising.
The irony of it all. Sheka, the chewer dog, was bought a rope with a tire on the end of it to chew on. She loves ropes but wouldn't touch the tire. However, she decided to chew up a wheel on our Big Green Egg. I told Melvin we had a brake system on it now.
I have been watching a lot of the British Open. It has been nice because I can doze a little while watching. How about that Tom Watson? He's an inspiration to me. I figure if he can keep up with the youngsters at age 59 and having hip replacement I should be able to get myself back into shape and play as well as I have in the past. It won't be this fall but maybe for next spring. I hope you all have a great weekend. My love
My biggest challenge is to eat (who'd of thought?) and to get enough fluid. The fluid is coming most in the form of ice chips but I'm going through a lot of them. I was already threatened by both docs that if I dehydrate (which is very easy) I will be back in the hospital. I don't have much energy but with the little intake I have it's not surprising.
The irony of it all. Sheka, the chewer dog, was bought a rope with a tire on the end of it to chew on. She loves ropes but wouldn't touch the tire. However, she decided to chew up a wheel on our Big Green Egg. I told Melvin we had a brake system on it now.
I have been watching a lot of the British Open. It has been nice because I can doze a little while watching. How about that Tom Watson? He's an inspiration to me. I figure if he can keep up with the youngsters at age 59 and having hip replacement I should be able to get myself back into shape and play as well as I have in the past. It won't be this fall but maybe for next spring. I hope you all have a great weekend. My love
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Wizard of Oz
We're not in Kansas anymore Toto. This is the best way to describe everything that is going on. I have landed in another land. A land of good witches, bad witches, flying monkeys, and of course scarecrow, cowardly lion, and tin man . I am actually playing 4 parts. Dorothy, and tin man, lion, and scarecrow. I have taken on all these rolls already fluctuating between them like a person with multiple personality disorder. Yet I continue walking this journey trying to make it to the wise man of Oz to find my way home. My way home is normalcy.
Yesterday I discovered hot water and I don't get along. I was trying to shower and noticed I started feeling weak and then I was down in the shower. I won't say pass out as I'm not sure I did. But I did go down. My head was spinning enough I couldn't get up right away. Scared Mel. Scared me.
This morning I moved slower and took a cool shower. It seemed to help. I awakened with the wonderful surprise of a sore throat and fever blister. Typical chemo reaction. So sucking on ice chips and popsicles. I am starting to eat a little more. Hysterically, I am not down to my "ideal weight" yet as defined by weight watchers. I am still about 2 lbs. over my ideal weight. And since it spans 11 lbs. my thought is if I try hard I will stay within that range. Once again for the women, you lose weight but why is it not where you want to lose it? I know exercise would help but that will have to come later when I start regaining my strength back. Now is not the time.
I kicked Mel out this morning to play golf with the promise if anything started going on I would call him. And I will. He is at our close course which is only about 10 min away from the house and I have a great neighbor who I can call on if I need anything. I envy him more than anything. I'm just hoping one of these evenings to have the strength to want to go out and practice putt.
My plans for today are to do about the same. Computer, read, puzzles. Clean and refuel the hummingbird feeders. Not a lot of excitement I know. But hey, right now if I get thru the day feeling almost decent I'm not too terribly disappointed. Have a good hump day. KTPC Love to all
Yesterday I discovered hot water and I don't get along. I was trying to shower and noticed I started feeling weak and then I was down in the shower. I won't say pass out as I'm not sure I did. But I did go down. My head was spinning enough I couldn't get up right away. Scared Mel. Scared me.
This morning I moved slower and took a cool shower. It seemed to help. I awakened with the wonderful surprise of a sore throat and fever blister. Typical chemo reaction. So sucking on ice chips and popsicles. I am starting to eat a little more. Hysterically, I am not down to my "ideal weight" yet as defined by weight watchers. I am still about 2 lbs. over my ideal weight. And since it spans 11 lbs. my thought is if I try hard I will stay within that range. Once again for the women, you lose weight but why is it not where you want to lose it? I know exercise would help but that will have to come later when I start regaining my strength back. Now is not the time.
I kicked Mel out this morning to play golf with the promise if anything started going on I would call him. And I will. He is at our close course which is only about 10 min away from the house and I have a great neighbor who I can call on if I need anything. I envy him more than anything. I'm just hoping one of these evenings to have the strength to want to go out and practice putt.
My plans for today are to do about the same. Computer, read, puzzles. Clean and refuel the hummingbird feeders. Not a lot of excitement I know. But hey, right now if I get thru the day feeling almost decent I'm not too terribly disappointed. Have a good hump day. KTPC Love to all
Monday, July 13, 2009
At home again

I was released (oh great freedom) last night at about 5:30. I was exhausted as I had fought nausea all day long even on a double dose of nausea med I was given. I hadn't had anything to eat and basically couldn't do a lot more than lift my head off the pillow. I did drag myself up long enough to throw everything I could into my duffle bag to get ready to go. So yesterday wasn't very exciting. Amazing enough after sleeping almost all day I pretty much slept all night.
Maggie was sure excited to see me though. I received a grand welcome from her and each time I left the room she would follow me and then act like I had been gone 4 days again. She has stayed pretty close to my side today. I think she was wondering when we left early this morning for radiation if I was going to be gone again. She was happy when I showed up an hour later.
This morning was the first radiation treatment. I think the process was explained to me at least 3 times. The hardest part of the radiation is staying absolutely still on a hard table for about 17 minutes. I found out that I can take a cd in to listen to or they will provide music so I think I will try that route. It will make time go faster. I also have an appt with my radiation doc (the ball of fire) tomorrow and then tomorrow afternoon I go to the general oncologist to get a shot that has to be done more than 24 hours but less than 72 hours after the chemo. It is something to do with helping regulate the blood cells.
Today I have tried to do a little to help Melvin out. I don't have a lot of energy. About 10-15 minutes of just moving around and I'm ready to sit. I haven't really slept today but I think I did enough sleeping in the last day I don't need it. My nausea has subsided and by this evening I was able to eat a small amount of beef and a couple of carrots. It was a lot of food considering what had been eaten in the last day and half. I am even considering trying to hit the ice cream this evening.
My thoughts today have been with my coworkers and friends at the MO Womens State Amateur Golf Tournament where I am supposed to be. I am lucky enough to have good friends to cover my volunteer job for me while I am going through all of this. I appreciate it folks. Hope the tournament runs smooth for you. My love to all of you
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Countdown 1 more to go
Hey everyone, Everything is going pretty well here. I hope I had my bad day yesterday due to very little sleep, very minor side effect of med, and a new treatment I have to do. The long lasting chemo (4 day) is one that is a killer on the mouth tissue. So I now have to brush my teeth and use a wash of baking soda and salt 4 times a day. There is just enough lingering in the mouth that it makes you taste nothing. Nor want anything to taste. But if it keeps me from having loads of sores in the mouth I can do it. Besides I can stand to lose a few extra pounds (but I also found where they stash their ice cream here). Why is it nothing will taste good that is good for you but ice cream does? I still say I may be the only person who goes thru chemo and radiation that gains 20 lbs rather than loses. Well, I can deal with that too I guess.
So the doc and I are still having a discussion of Sunday night release. I REALLY want to be in my own bed. I won't finish my chemo until 6pm but since we only live 10 minutes from the hospital it won't be that big of deal. The really good news is that the doc said I have done so well on this round that it is a VERY Good possibility I will do the second round in early Aug as outpatient. What that means is I will need to check into the office once a day for a new bag and maybe stay long enough for them to shoot me the anti nausea drug. But again being in my own bed will be worth it.
I'm looking forward to being able to get out into some fresh air. Just sitting on the back porch right now is looking mighty awesome. I might even take up a friend of mine who just got a really really sharp looking little convertible and get her to take me out for a ride and an ice cream (what else)! Hope you all are having a great weekend. KTPC My love
So the doc and I are still having a discussion of Sunday night release. I REALLY want to be in my own bed. I won't finish my chemo until 6pm but since we only live 10 minutes from the hospital it won't be that big of deal. The really good news is that the doc said I have done so well on this round that it is a VERY Good possibility I will do the second round in early Aug as outpatient. What that means is I will need to check into the office once a day for a new bag and maybe stay long enough for them to shoot me the anti nausea drug. But again being in my own bed will be worth it.
I'm looking forward to being able to get out into some fresh air. Just sitting on the back porch right now is looking mighty awesome. I might even take up a friend of mine who just got a really really sharp looking little convertible and get her to take me out for a ride and an ice cream (what else)! Hope you all are having a great weekend. KTPC My love
Friday, July 10, 2009
Day 2 Countdown still continues
Help Me! Help Me! I am being held hostage on 7th floor of St. John's. Just kidding of course but without being able to go anyplace other than walk 2 short halls and 2 shorter halls I am starting to go stir crazy. I am thankful I can walk and feel like walking don't get me wrong but I'm used to being a lot more active than this, obviously.
Saw the doc this morning she said she expected me to hit the wall the weekend after I get out of the hospital. Poor Mel has already hit the wall. The numerous trips here and going out etc have taken their toll on him. He had a seizure last night. Well, we don't know if it was one or 2 sometimes he doubles up but he doesn't know it. I wasn't there to watch out for him, but our faithful pup Maggie stuck by his side like glue. She was watching him for me. If she could talk (she can tell me somethings) she would tell us how many he had last night. It had been a while since he had a seizure, actually a couple of days after I was told I had the tumor. His stress level shows outward.
So how many of you remember the movie the Exorcist? And remember the scene of the girls head spinning around? Well that is the best way to describe how I feel when I get the anti nausea medication. It doesn't make me nauseous though. I just have to close my eyes and rest my head and wait thru it. If I can nap through it even better.
I really am getting great care here. Everyone has been great. The biggest problem is I can't get any sleep. First of all since I have the saline drip I am constantly having to go to the bathroom. I counted 8 times last night. 4 times by 12:30. Then my iv beeper will go off at least twice in the middle of the night. Once will be to replace the saline and other time will be just to aggravate me. Last night it went off 3 times. This morning they decided to get blood at 4:30 am instead of 5:15 so a trio of nurses come in and flip the lights on. I just held out both my arms and said take your pick just try to keep the bruises symmetrical. I had a smile on my face. I then told them I probably wouldn't be quite this nice if I was back for the second round of chemo. They agreed. If you're wondering why they are not taking blood thru the port it slows down the chemo process because they have to disconnect and flush. It is also dangerous. They try not to fool with the chemo unless they absolutely have to. So while I get the chemo I get stuck in the arm. It is only once a day.
Yesterday I was accused of being an incognito nurse. After lowering my blood sugar yesterday and telling them I was going to (from 143 late morning to 92 early evening) and then lowering my blood pressure and telling them I could (bottom number was 104 lowered it to 80 ) in about an hour they figured I had some special knowledge. I don't. I just know my physical being. I have always been aware of my physical being.
I had a really pleasant surprise. All my doctors and Mel's doctors are in St. Johns system. A lot of them know what is going on. But last night his neurologist came by to visit. Now this is a guy that loves to kid. So I was ready for him. First thing he asked was what are you doing here? I said gee doc you went to med school did you read the sign when you got off the elevator that said CANCER FLOOR? He laughed and he said ok you got me tell me about it. So I did with my warped sense of humor involved. He would just look at me and shake his head. I ended my story with I'm positive, I'm strong and most important I have God on my side. Right now I only see one set of footprints. (Some of you will catch the meaning of that). He grinned again and shook my hand. When he was walking out I yelled after him I don't want to see a bill from this visit. He came back in with a big grin again and said I can't bill for a placebo. It was really neat.
I have been placing physical goals on myself. This is what keeps me motivated. Like the goal I would play golf by 2 weeks after my surgery (which I did). This goal is even more industrious. I have 2 big tournaments at the end of Sept. I want to be able to play in at least one of them. They are both 2 day tournaments which is large expectation to play 2 days in a row. And it will only be about 5 weeks after my last treatment. But that is my goal. Now notice I say play I don't expect to play well. The big thing is to start and finish the tournament. If that works out or even looks like it is going to work out I'm going to get Mel and I reservations to go down to Hot Springs in Oct.
I have droned on long enough. A shout to all my gals at Millwood and to all the folks at Fand C. Love you all KTPC
Saw the doc this morning she said she expected me to hit the wall the weekend after I get out of the hospital. Poor Mel has already hit the wall. The numerous trips here and going out etc have taken their toll on him. He had a seizure last night. Well, we don't know if it was one or 2 sometimes he doubles up but he doesn't know it. I wasn't there to watch out for him, but our faithful pup Maggie stuck by his side like glue. She was watching him for me. If she could talk (she can tell me somethings) she would tell us how many he had last night. It had been a while since he had a seizure, actually a couple of days after I was told I had the tumor. His stress level shows outward.
So how many of you remember the movie the Exorcist? And remember the scene of the girls head spinning around? Well that is the best way to describe how I feel when I get the anti nausea medication. It doesn't make me nauseous though. I just have to close my eyes and rest my head and wait thru it. If I can nap through it even better.
I really am getting great care here. Everyone has been great. The biggest problem is I can't get any sleep. First of all since I have the saline drip I am constantly having to go to the bathroom. I counted 8 times last night. 4 times by 12:30. Then my iv beeper will go off at least twice in the middle of the night. Once will be to replace the saline and other time will be just to aggravate me. Last night it went off 3 times. This morning they decided to get blood at 4:30 am instead of 5:15 so a trio of nurses come in and flip the lights on. I just held out both my arms and said take your pick just try to keep the bruises symmetrical. I had a smile on my face. I then told them I probably wouldn't be quite this nice if I was back for the second round of chemo. They agreed. If you're wondering why they are not taking blood thru the port it slows down the chemo process because they have to disconnect and flush. It is also dangerous. They try not to fool with the chemo unless they absolutely have to. So while I get the chemo I get stuck in the arm. It is only once a day.
Yesterday I was accused of being an incognito nurse. After lowering my blood sugar yesterday and telling them I was going to (from 143 late morning to 92 early evening) and then lowering my blood pressure and telling them I could (bottom number was 104 lowered it to 80 ) in about an hour they figured I had some special knowledge. I don't. I just know my physical being. I have always been aware of my physical being.
I had a really pleasant surprise. All my doctors and Mel's doctors are in St. Johns system. A lot of them know what is going on. But last night his neurologist came by to visit. Now this is a guy that loves to kid. So I was ready for him. First thing he asked was what are you doing here? I said gee doc you went to med school did you read the sign when you got off the elevator that said CANCER FLOOR? He laughed and he said ok you got me tell me about it. So I did with my warped sense of humor involved. He would just look at me and shake his head. I ended my story with I'm positive, I'm strong and most important I have God on my side. Right now I only see one set of footprints. (Some of you will catch the meaning of that). He grinned again and shook my hand. When he was walking out I yelled after him I don't want to see a bill from this visit. He came back in with a big grin again and said I can't bill for a placebo. It was really neat.
I have been placing physical goals on myself. This is what keeps me motivated. Like the goal I would play golf by 2 weeks after my surgery (which I did). This goal is even more industrious. I have 2 big tournaments at the end of Sept. I want to be able to play in at least one of them. They are both 2 day tournaments which is large expectation to play 2 days in a row. And it will only be about 5 weeks after my last treatment. But that is my goal. Now notice I say play I don't expect to play well. The big thing is to start and finish the tournament. If that works out or even looks like it is going to work out I'm going to get Mel and I reservations to go down to Hot Springs in Oct.
I have droned on long enough. A shout to all my gals at Millwood and to all the folks at Fand C. Love you all KTPC
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Countdown has started!!! I figure once you make it through the first night you need to start the countdown... My first night was a little sleepless but no side effects. I was worried enough that I asked my chemo doc this morn about it and she said they mega dosed me with anti nausea drugs so she expected those to hold for a while. I also have a prescription to start when I get home. She said fatigue and more fatigue would start in about 14 days. Possibly along with the hair loss. She said effects from radiation would start about 4 weeks into radiation (I have 26 radiation treatments). I would have pain from the radiation in the pelvic and rectal area and possibly diarrhea. Already set for both of those.
Good news or bad news. Since I live close and I'm not on Medicare I get to have my radiation treatments at 7 am. Actually, I am not a late sleeper and that means even when Mel has to drive me to radiation unless I am really down and out he will be able to make his golf. So for all his golf buddies out there...sorry he will be out there with you more often than we thought.
So where or when else can you have ice cream or popsicles at 9 10 11 12 at night in bed and not feel guilty? Answer: In the cancer ward at St. Johns. For all you ladies out there with hot flashes/night sweats, popsicles really work well.
So I have to admit I feel guilty. One my blood suger was very slightly elevated. Well heck they've been feeding me bread pudding, pound cake, macaroon cookies (home made) cheesecake (home made) and of course what have I been doing? Laying in bed maybe making it to the chair...So I walked for about 15 minutes today. You have to realize I am dragging this monster of a pole with 2 big bags on it so it is not a power walk to be sure. But I did get some exercise and it should help. I have also vowed to cut back on the sweets. As a matter of fact I told the nurse give me one day I'll have the blood sugar down. The other guilt thing is I have people all around me getting sick and I'm not getting sick. My heart breaks for them. I figure I will get there but it's just so sad.
Well I am going to show Mel the baby video. If you haven't seen it go to you tube and see babies on roller skates or the evian commercial Have fun!! God Bless love you all
Good news or bad news. Since I live close and I'm not on Medicare I get to have my radiation treatments at 7 am. Actually, I am not a late sleeper and that means even when Mel has to drive me to radiation unless I am really down and out he will be able to make his golf. So for all his golf buddies out there...sorry he will be out there with you more often than we thought.
So where or when else can you have ice cream or popsicles at 9 10 11 12 at night in bed and not feel guilty? Answer: In the cancer ward at St. Johns. For all you ladies out there with hot flashes/night sweats, popsicles really work well.
So I have to admit I feel guilty. One my blood suger was very slightly elevated. Well heck they've been feeding me bread pudding, pound cake, macaroon cookies (home made) cheesecake (home made) and of course what have I been doing? Laying in bed maybe making it to the chair...So I walked for about 15 minutes today. You have to realize I am dragging this monster of a pole with 2 big bags on it so it is not a power walk to be sure. But I did get some exercise and it should help. I have also vowed to cut back on the sweets. As a matter of fact I told the nurse give me one day I'll have the blood sugar down. The other guilt thing is I have people all around me getting sick and I'm not getting sick. My heart breaks for them. I figure I will get there but it's just so sad.
Well I am going to show Mel the baby video. If you haven't seen it go to you tube and see babies on roller skates or the evian commercial Have fun!! God Bless love you all
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Good Evening from St. Johns Hospital. It has been a typical hospital day of hurry and wait. I got to my room early this morning (7:30) but didn't get started on the chemo until 5:20 this evening. The order went in at 9 or so this morning for the chemo but they didn't get it delivered until 2:30 and then didn't have one of my premeds.
What I didn't know is the chemo is hand mixed and hand delivered. It takes a while for that to happen. Plus the 5 fu that I am on is a mix of 5 different drugs which takes it longer to be produced. I do have the mitromycin over with, it only ran for 1 hour. The 5 fu will be given over the next 4 days. I also found out that it was decided to wait until Monday to start my radiation so I won't be having both at the same time. In a way that is a relief because of worrying about someone getting me to the tomography machine on time.
How ironic is it I ended up having side effects from the drugs to keep me from having side effects. Not bad but did have a huge head rush for about an hour.
I was glad to get a private room particularly when Mel told me he saw over 5 people visiting in one room. And he said it looked like all the people were for one patient in a two patient room.
The port was a unique experience. I felt like a pin prick in my skin and then that was it. The needle was through the port and things were going. Once it got below the surface of the skin I didn't feel anything. Well, I'm going to close this. KTPC so far so good. Love you all.
What I didn't know is the chemo is hand mixed and hand delivered. It takes a while for that to happen. Plus the 5 fu that I am on is a mix of 5 different drugs which takes it longer to be produced. I do have the mitromycin over with, it only ran for 1 hour. The 5 fu will be given over the next 4 days. I also found out that it was decided to wait until Monday to start my radiation so I won't be having both at the same time. In a way that is a relief because of worrying about someone getting me to the tomography machine on time.
How ironic is it I ended up having side effects from the drugs to keep me from having side effects. Not bad but did have a huge head rush for about an hour.
I was glad to get a private room particularly when Mel told me he saw over 5 people visiting in one room. And he said it looked like all the people were for one patient in a two patient room.
The port was a unique experience. I felt like a pin prick in my skin and then that was it. The needle was through the port and things were going. Once it got below the surface of the skin I didn't feel anything. Well, I'm going to close this. KTPC so far so good. Love you all.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Ihope everyone had a great 4th. I have been trying to relax and get a few things done. I promised pictures so here they are. It is hard to smile when you are trying to take a pic. You should have seen some of the others. I had a Jack Nicholson evil look with eyebrows up in one. Another looked like the crazy Bill Cosby look. Oh, well you get the idea. The hair may not look that much shorter but the longest it is anyplace on my head is one inch.
So here's a thought that my lady friends over 50 will understand. So I'm thinking about my possible hair loss and I thought if I lose my hair I should at least lose the chin whiskers that I'm constantly fighting. Wouldn't it be a bummer if I lose my head hair, eyebrows and eyelashes and still have to fight the chin whiskers? How cruel would that be?
Time is counting away. I have started making a list of things to take to the hospital. I am going to wait on my computer until I know whether I have a private room or not. If I don't I may have Melvin bring it to me each day Thursday- Saturday to add to the blog. I have to admit I'm getting nervous, scared and many other emotions thrown in. I'm sure my temperament is varying a lot with whatever thought processes I have going at the time. Mel is trying to take it all in stride. He's going to have a lot to take in stride over the next 8 weeks.
One last thought. A positive about chemo. I can't do anything with the cat litter. Wait, that may NOT be a good thing....Will keep you posted on that thought. Anyway KTPC. If you are reading this for the first time it's my way of saying "Keep the Prayers Coming" Love you all
Friday, July 3, 2009
Good morning everyone. I have had a request from some none golfers on explaining what a short game is. That basically means putting and very short shots. (No full swings). The surgeon said no vigorous activity with the shoulder for one month. Evidently there has been one or two complications so they are getting more protective. Well, I don't want to have to have it redone either so I understand.
My hair was cut down to 1 inch all over my head. There is not much to style when there is only 1 inch. (duh!) But that also means there will be a lot less on the pillow and in the drain. Melvin and our friend Stan were surprised when they saw me because they thought it would be a lot shorter. I wasn't quite ready for the GI Jane look. That may come down the road. Pics should be up in a couple of days. I need to slow Mel down long enough to take one with the hair short. He has been playing golf everyday and today is doing yard work so he has things taken care of for next week.
Hope everyone has a great 4th of July weekend. I will be resting and trying to eat properly. Every little bit helps. Love you
My hair was cut down to 1 inch all over my head. There is not much to style when there is only 1 inch. (duh!) But that also means there will be a lot less on the pillow and in the drain. Melvin and our friend Stan were surprised when they saw me because they thought it would be a lot shorter. I wasn't quite ready for the GI Jane look. That may come down the road. Pics should be up in a couple of days. I need to slow Mel down long enough to take one with the hair short. He has been playing golf everyday and today is doing yard work so he has things taken care of for next week.
Hope everyone has a great 4th of July weekend. I will be resting and trying to eat properly. Every little bit helps. Love you
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