Friday, July 24, 2009


I had an Ensure (ENDURE) for breakfast this morning. I am getting desperate to get calories and protein in me. But for lunch I ate 2 pieces of deli turkey and a few pieces of hard cheese with applesauce. This evening Mel took me to Old Chicago (early before it got crowded) and I actually ate 1 1/2 meatballs and some spaghetti. Then I ate about 1/3 of a piece of cheesecake. Poor Mel had to eat the rest of the cheesecake. I saved the spaghetti and meatballs for tomorrow night for my protein. My stomach is doing a lot (LOT) of rumbling but it sure felt good to eat regular food. That was my first real food other than little bits of anything since July 10.
Last night Mel couldn't figure out what he wanted to eat. After really giving it a lot of thought I finally said I'd be delighted if you join me and I'll flip the top to an Ensure. You have your choice of 3 flavors. For some reason he didn't get real excited about the offer.
So tomorrow I get to sleep in a little. Actually I sleep a lot due to the fact I am having trouble sitting comfortably and I can't stand for very long so I lie down which then I fall asleep. But I guess my body needs it.
I've had another interesting side effect. My skin is blistering and peeling like I have been burned. I had been noticing the skin on my hands was feeling different. It had the same feeling as if I had burned it but without the burn. Last night I felt a spot on my thumb and it was a spot about the size of a quarter that looked like it had burned and was dead skin. How weird is that?
I'm getting an inkling that my hair is starting to fall out or thin. When I rub my hand through my hair I end up with 5-6 pieces of hair in them.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. It will be status quo for me. Love to all

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