Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm still here!

Sorry I haven't written in a couple of days. Everything is status quo. My mouth is still in fair enough shape that I can eat most foods. My stomach isn't up to most foods however. I still have to be a little picky. I have now progressed to multiple cremes and ointments for the below the belt areas from the radiation. Tomorrow is actually my mid way thru the radiation.
I did two things yesterday which I'm excited about. I made a phone call to MSU about lady bear tickets for this winter. We are supposed to be hearing about those in a couple of weeks. I also made reservations for Hot Springs in October. We always enjoy going there and playing golf and visiting with some friends of ours who retired there. I also went to the video store by myself. That one little trip was worth 2 hours of nap time. Other than that I am keeping the humming bird feeders filled and the bird feeder filled so I can watch the birds. I appreciate all who are praying for me. Keep the prayers coming. My love to all

1 comment:

  1. Your Hot Springs Village friends are thinking about you and are excited about your visit. We will try to have good weather for you (you deserve it). We have had so much rain in July that we just use boats on the golf course instead of golf carts. Keep up the faith, you are in Gods hands. See you guys in October.
