Friday, July 3, 2009

Good morning everyone. I have had a request from some none golfers on explaining what a short game is. That basically means putting and very short shots. (No full swings). The surgeon said no vigorous activity with the shoulder for one month. Evidently there has been one or two complications so they are getting more protective. Well, I don't want to have to have it redone either so I understand.
My hair was cut down to 1 inch all over my head. There is not much to style when there is only 1 inch. (duh!) But that also means there will be a lot less on the pillow and in the drain. Melvin and our friend Stan were surprised when they saw me because they thought it would be a lot shorter. I wasn't quite ready for the GI Jane look. That may come down the road. Pics should be up in a couple of days. I need to slow Mel down long enough to take one with the hair short. He has been playing golf everyday and today is doing yard work so he has things taken care of for next week.
Hope everyone has a great 4th of July weekend. I will be resting and trying to eat properly. Every little bit helps. Love you

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