Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hello again,
I have one more addition to my background information. The type of cancer cell I have is squamous cell cancer which some of you may be familiar with as a skin cancer cell. It is also found in cervix cancer besides the cancer I have. It is interesting that my surgeon asked me if I had ever had any irregular pap smears which I did about 32 years ago. He said this was probably some dormant cells from that which have become active. He also said for me to be sure to get a pap every year even though as you get older it is not recommended.
If you are interested in the new method of radiology I will be going through go to and go to tomotherapy (or type it in). It describes how it is used and why it is better than the traditional therapies.
So I will be adding to this for sure after Monday because I have another exam with radiation dr. and my first meeting with my chemo doctor, Dr. T (she has a long name). Hope you have a great weekend and fathers day. I will be watching the Open of course and trying to kick back and rest. Love to all


  1. To say that I am stunned would be putting it mildly! Thank you so much for including me in your friends and family blog. Please know that you will be in our prayers and in our hearts. We desire to be kept in the loop for any and all needs that we might help with, other than THE most important need which you will be bathed with...Prayer! Sounds like the Lord has provided wonderful medical provision thus far. We will go and check out the new method of tomotherapy. Please hug Mel for us and insist upon several in return from us :-)We will be in touch!

  2. Rose, just got word about your cancer and your blog, so we joined immediately. Sounds like you caught it as early as possible, and the prognosis sounds good. Obviously, we will be keeping you in our prayers, and we know that you have many others who will have you in their prayers as well. God bless both you and Mel, and we will see you, hopefully, next weekend.
    Love, Ivon and June
