Sunday, August 23, 2009

Slowly so slowly

Hey everyone, (That is a weak hey) I am still on the couch. I have spent my whole summer on the couch. A question came up at the dinner table (which I tried sitting at even though I'm not eating much) and I answered the question from all the tv I have been watching. My throat has improved enough that I can eat, the problem is my stomach is not really ready to accept food. I can eat a small piece of cheese and a little applesauce or a few spoons of vegies of some kind. But that's it. If I remember correctly it was two weeks before I could even think of eating meat and other heavy foods. So I will look forward to that this coming week. Some of my lower sore areas are starting to heal. I still have several areas a couple of them really bad but I am seeing some improvement. I still don't try to travel very far from a bathroom.
A love story. About 3 nights ago I was taking med for my mouth at night. Night time does not agree with my stomach. Melvin was already in bed tucked in. One medication I have to use as a mouthwash makes me gag severly. In the middle of having a bout of almost throwing up he is at my side rubbing my back. That may not sound like much to you but this is a man that can't stand to hear look or smelll at anything and he gags. Enough said.
Tomorrow he is going out of town to play a course he has never had the opportunity to play. We have friends (the guy will be playing with him) and the wife is going to come over and check on me. I really wanted him to go as he has had to cancel so many opportunities to play this summer. He will leave early but be home by 5.
Scott made a comment tonight that he had never seen my legs look so thin. The problem is I don't have much muscle tone left either. I'm going to have a lot of work to do this winter to get my muscle tone built back up. Scott also said he thought I may want to put some weight back on. He knows how to be a diplomat.
Appreciate each and every one of you for all you do. Hopefully the posts will become more and more positive. KTPC Love

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rose,
    I remember it well, it is the little things, a cool rag on the forehead, a rub, just sitting there holding hands. Those are the things we appreciate. I'm glad you have loved ones there for you.
    We are thinking of you.
    Cindy and Lynn.
